Friday, March 28, 2008

More information

I have had some time to sit and compose myself since the last posting. Darilyn has dealt with the situation with the doctor and there are some preliminary plans in place as a course of action. The cancer surgeon, I guess they call themselves oncologists these days, will perform a mastectomy. But before that they require an MRI and chest x-ray. And they must co-ordinate with the hospital and the plastic surgeon to get all schedules in synch. When the cancer has been removed, the plastic surgeon will immediately begin reconstruction of the removed breast and reduction of the other to make them alike. This is where the whole procedure started, with a breast reduction. It had been approved by the insurance as a medical necessity. 3 years ago it had been denied by an insurance company. It was not supposed to happen then. The good lord needed to have us wait so that this could be taken care of now.

When it is all over and she can come home, she will rest and recuperate here. She has clearance from work to take all the time she needs. She has quite a backlog of personal time available so it will not be a problem. I will take what time is needed to be with her as I can, but I will continue to frequent wally world. When it is all over, maybe I will go back to doing contract work. That is if there is any available.

She is my world. As I told Santini in an email, most of my life I felt alone. I did not know it, but there seemed to be something missing and I thought it was the way things were supposed to be. Then I found her. I remember vividly returning home after our first meeting. I had my good buddy, a portugese water dog called Cody, with me and I told him that I could love her. For the first time in my life I had some idea what it meant to feel whole. I told Darilyn that we must have been lovers in a past life or lives. That we were soul mates that would always find the other in another life. Who knows if this is true, but it sure felt like it must be. She will always be with me as long as I live now that I have found her and have her love. We will confront this speed bump on the road of life and we will pervail. No matter what happens, we are.

Now I am not alone anymore. I have Darilyn and I have found my family again. Thank you all.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Decision day

Well, today we got the information we had been waiting for. The tests are that the biopsy tested positive for cancer. Now on to the next step. Surgery is the next step with reconstructive surgery after. We have a battle but we will win. More later when I know more.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Another Wednesday 3/26

Here it is wednesday evening. I have just had a fantastic dinner after coming home from Wally World. I am spending a pleasant evening with my sweet lady. Tomorrow we find out the results of the biopsy but whatever they are, they will be dealt with in the appropriate manner. It has been a good day. A little tired, but good. I have received more pics of a grand daughter. This time it is the next to the youngest, Laurie. Nik has sent them to me. I love getting these pictures of the least of the generation. There are a number of grand daughters that I have not heard from or about in forever. I miss them.

Any way, here is the pic. It seems we have another ball player in the family.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

Good evening all. It has been a fine day in Pensacola all in all. It was in the 70's and sunny. I finished mowing the front lawn today and find that I am not in very good shape. It is much harder than it used to be. But it must be done. I did some small amount of house work as well as I had the day off. I got up this morning to find that my dear lady had made an Easter basket for me and leftit on the table when she went to work at 5:30 this AM. I went out this PM and got the makings for Easter dinner for two and got her an Easter Lily. Just because it was pretty and she needs pretty things. Made dinner for her and had a lovely evening. Just us older folk. Happy Easter to all of you as well.

Oh, by the way, I thought I should add a picture of a fine young lady to my blog. Meet my youngest grand-daughter Bea. Her mother sent me a picture, as she quite often does, and I felt it appropriate to post it for all the world to see. She is the child of my son Wade and his lovely wife Kim. Thanks Kim.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Holy Saturday

Here it is saturday before Easter. I am sitting and thinking and decided I should blog. Is that a properly constructed sentence? Who really cares! I need to do this it seems. I was told by a very smart man that it is good therapy. And I seem to be in need of that right now. All is going well but there are always little bumps in the road. And we have some waiting to do before we know the results of the biopsy. Waiting is always the hardest part of getting on with life. It seems that we are always waiting for something. When we know what we have to face, then we will deal with it.

I just finished re-watching Forrest Gump. That movie has always made me think that maybe he really had the right of it. For someone who was supposed to be "stupid", he really knew what needed to be done and that is not a bad thing at all. Maybe we should have more of that in this world. Less of the people who are looking to have control of what others do because it makes them feel as if they are better. Isn't it just trying to make up for something that is lacking in them? Something that was left out when the good lord put them together? Maybe so. Why can't we see that? Why do we have to make things so hard? I doubt there are any answers for my questions that would make any simple sense and if you would like to know, I don't really care.

I am seriously entertaining the possibility of unretiring, if that is a word. I have been approached by a couple of people to possibly help them out with there computer problems and projects. I will probably do it if they ever get around to making a decision.

Enough for now.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

News from the south

It has been too many days since my last post. I could claim hardship and mental distress, but for those of you who know me, that would not be a good excuse. Mental distress requires mental capability. Enuf said?

Today, my darling lady was subjected to the knife. A surgeon finally stepped up to the table and we got the dreaded biopsy finished. I do not understand why it took so long, but it is over. Now we must wait for the results and they say it will be a week. But that is no longer a problem. We have huddled together and worked it all out for us. We will do whatever it takes and we will deal with any problem or situation that may arise. As we always have, together. MY LADY RULES. She has the intestinal fortitude of a Roman Legion. And the strength. Whatever comes, we will face and handle as best we can and do it together.