Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

It is Christmas eve here in sunny Florida. Actually, it was raining here today with a temperature of 72. That is why I live here. The temperature. We are sitting around this evening watching a little TV. The movie "The Lion, The witch, and The wardrobe" is on and it is well worth the rewatching. The presents are wrapped and under the tree with care "in hopes that St. Nick will soon be there".

Darilyn has been finished with chemo now for 4 weeks. On monday, we went to see the radiologist to find out about the radiation regimen. I learned something about the battle she is facing. She has what is called stage 3C breast cancer. Look up cancer stages through GOOGLE for a good definition of what that is all about. I did and was very thouroughly enlightened. Anyway, she will be having a Cat Scan on tuesday to determine where the location of possible cancer locations reside and from that, a scanning program will be created to irradiate the remaining locations. She will receive 5 treatments a week for 6 weeks. The chemo was to remove any possible cells that may have escaped into the body. This should greatly reduce the chance of re-occurrence.

Christmas this year is a little subdued. There is not much family around and that makes it smaller. Also, there has been so much happening that has been higher priority that somehow it has not gotten the attention it has usually required. We will have a good pork roast for dinner as we were a little tired of more turkey. We are looking forward to the day of peace and quiet.

Well enough of that for now.
* * * *
It is a couple of hours later now. I was laying in bed talking to Darilyn about things and a subject came out of something I was saying that I have to put down here for the older three of my siblings. That is TT, Gino, and Santini.

Guys, I was talking to the radiologist on monday with Darilyn and I told him that our mother had been a recepient of radiation treatment in 1949. He said, with some awe and surprise, that she had to be among the very first to have received that treatment. I do remember that it was said at the time that she was engaging in experimental studies in an effort to help herself as well as others. It seems that what she was part of was the beginning of what is today the standard treatment for women with breast cancer. It was part of what has saved the lives of thousands of women. To me, it has become the gift down the years to many others and to me. It is the gift of life and well being for the woman who I love more than life. Mom is still taking care of us guys. It is AWSOME. Thanks Mom.

Now I can logoff for the night on Christmas eve.



  1. Well, this hasn't been the best year for you, but the good news is that the year is almost over! Next year is sure to be better. Dara's cancer is at an advanced stage, but I understand that it's operable, so that's a good prognosis. Have a nice Christmas in that warm clime down there. We love you! - Nik

  2. I don't remember any X-ray treatment for Mom in the 50's. I think they used hormone treatments and a few other pretty much worthless stuff, but I think it was before X-rays became a treatment option. Of course, I could be wrong. I was only 12.

    I hope all is going well in Florida. You're missing an awesome set of snowstorms and frigid temps - very character building.

    Merry Christmas. TT
