My lady is in the doldrums of recovery these days. She has developed something called "thrush" and is not doing very well. But better than last time as we seemed to have gotten it earlier. That is a good thing. We got the meds she needed this morning and now it is a matter of waiting it out. I will be on call and try to keep the house in order. The experience of the years shows that I have kinda learned how to do it when I need to. As always, we do what we need to do to get the job done.
I have a telephone interview on the morrow for a possible position in Atlanta. It will be something to help pay the bills and has the potential of going on for a couple of years. If it comes about, I will work there on the week days and get home weekends. Darilyn has her work here and a pention plan via the state that she needs to become vested in for future protection of her well being. If there is such a thing with all the crap going on these days. Anyway, I just wanted to let the world know we are still here.
I remember reading that thrush is a pretty common infection that newborns can get from nursing. Must be the immunity thing. Hope your interview goes well. I know you need the money. - Nik