Monday, April 21, 2008

Time again

Well, we now have a date when Darilyn will go in for surgery. It is May 6. The oncologist will remove the right breast and some lymph nodes to check to see if there has been any spread there. The MRI she had showed that there is nothing in the left side and there really has been no spread beyond the immediate area. So the prognosis is good. After that is done, the plastic surgeon will begin the reconstruction of the breast using muscle and tissue from her abdomen. So there will be a tummy tuck in the process!!!! The surgeon will also finish the process of breast reduction which was the original plan that turned up the cancer. Thank good for small favors!! A device of some type will be inserted in the right side that will be increased in size weekly by injections of saline solution until enough space has been created in about 6 weeks so that an implant can be inserted. This is the plan. She will be at home for a while. I have taken time off from Wal-Mart to take care of her. I have only been allowed 2 weeks of this by my lady. We will see. She wants to get back to work as soon as she is ready. More power to her. It gives her something to fight for and a goal to focus on while recovering.

How is she taking it? She is meeting it head on and with a "stiff upper lip". But all is not always rosy. Tonight she dissolved into tears for the first time. She is afraid and who would not be. I am. But we will still be standing when this is done.


  1. It sounds like it'll be a long, arduous journey for her. Let her know we love her and our prayers are with her every day. ~Nik

  2. It all sounds very familiar. It is the same process that Nancy's sister-in-law went through last summer. She's doing great and looks great -- as will Darilyn.

