Wednesday, September 16, 2009

100% Cleared

The surgery was done today. It appears to be an unqualified success. The doctor said that it was packed tight and took a bit of work. Darilyn is in ICU tonight but will probably be released to come home tomorrow. Then she has to wait at least a week before she can drive and go back to work. The second blockage will be investigated later. They cannot work on it for at least 6 weeks to give the body and brain time to adjust to the new pressures and flow. Any sooner could cause problems. Now I will be able to sleep better. I am tired. I did not know how much I was worrying and getting myself worn out. Thank you lord for your help and guidance. Thank you family for all your support and encouragement.


  1. Thanks for letting us know. I'll sleep better tonight, myself. I'll continue to hold a good thought for you both.

  2. Good news. I'm happy that it was taken care of so fast and effectively.

  3. As I was thinking about our experience with this, it occurred to me that no one warned me that he might have some short term memory loss. It would have been helpful to know that it was common and usually temporary. (Filed in my memory under "Things you're told at check ups after the fact, when the information is no longer useful.") I hope Darilyn had a good night.

  4. Thanks dear sister. I will keep that in mind. No one has mentioned it either to us. Or maybe I have short term memory loss???? ;0)

  5. Good news, Tom, I'm glad it went so well. I'm hoping for a speedy recovery!
