Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

It is the evening of January 1, 2008. I had to work this afternoon and so did Darilyn. After work, we went to her daughter Barbara's for a southern traditional dinner of greens and black-eyed peas. It is supposed to bring prosperity for the new year. I have no idea if it really works but it doesn't matter. It is just fun.

I went over to our new house this morning with a few things in the back of my little pickup and dropped them off. I returned to Navarre and got ready for work. Not a big day, but it was a good and fun day and I enjoyed being alive.

I hope it was all good for all of those who read this blog. May the good lord look down on you and smile on you all.


  1. We're a bit snowbound here -- I'll bet you don't miss that at all. Your New Year's day meal sounds like fun -- we always try to do bean soup, or something similar, for good luck. Santini

  2. Hey! You haven't forgotten your blog! I thought that you had in your old age! Glad to see you're so happy these days. Please keep posting. I'd be interested to see your philosophical musings... Nik
