Thursday, April 16, 2009

Good news

It has been a long time since the last posting. I apologize for that. So let us get caught up with how things are here in the Florida Panhandle.

Starting in early January, Darilyn received radiation treatments every week day for 6 weeks and ended with a case of what could be described as second degree burns in an area on her chest. The plastic surgeon prescribed some lotion which helped to heal it very well. The prognosis is great at this time. There is no current indication of any cancer although there will be further testing. During this time, she was back at work full time and loving it. She has lost 52 pounds. She is starting to get her hair back, a salt and pepper color that is short, soft, and curly. She is uncomfortable with the hair loss though and wears a wig whenever she is out of the house. She has 5 of them, most given by the American Cancer society. Last friday, Good Friday by the way, she had the reconstructive surgery. The surgeon moved some tissue from her back to form a breast and did some work on the left side to create a balanced pair. Tonight, she came home from the hospital. She will be recuperating at home for a while until the doctor agrees that she can go back to work. All is going well.

Me? I am going from day to day as I must. The task needs to be done, or in the immortal words of John Hay, "I'll hold er nozzle agin the bank til the last galuts ashore". So that is a quick synopsis of life in the miller household here in florida.

Bye for now.


  1. This is great news, Tom. Emily, Kelsey, Mr Moohoo and I were discussing your post last night and all agreed we are very happy about it! Thanks for the update and give our regards to Darilyn.
    Take care,

  2. Good news, indeed. Hold 'er nozzle agin the bank. I hope this year is better for you and Darilyn. TT

  3. It sounds like the black clouds are beginning to thin. Things are a bit better here too. Give our love to Darilyn. Santini

  4. Glad you guys are doing well. Still wish we could've been there with you to help out. Let's hope that the rest of this year is better. Love ya! -Nik
