Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Finally, a date has been set.

As the title says, a date has been finally set for the procedure. May 6, 2008. The results of the MRI have been processed and there is no cancer in the left breast. The right side has to go. We report to the hospital at 0630 on May 6.

After hearing this, I went to work and began the process of getting time off to be with Darilyn. I found that I had anger and fear building in me during the process of my day. When I finally was able to figure out what was happening, it became quite evident that I was confronting the reality of what is going to be happening. And coming to grips with the reality that there is a chance, albeit very small, that I could lose my darling wife. And it was very frightening. I have gotten past the fear but the reality is still there and always will be. But this will not be the reason. NOT THIS TIME. And this will not beat me. Not now that I know what has tried to bite me in the backside.

As a very good man once told me, the one who wins is the one who is still standing at the end. And I am still standing up for us, Darilyn and I.


  1. Keep standing, face the wind. I'm hoping and praying for the best result. TT

  2. Yeah, what he said. You sure don't want to be facing away from the wind when you break wind. That could be smelly! We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers here. ~Nik
